
Tradesmen Cigar Co.

At Tradesmen Cigar Company, we celebrate the spirit of hard work, dependability, and skilled labor. Our commitment extends beyond crafting quality cigars to fostering a community of tradesmen who take pride in their work. Tailored for those who share our values and take pride in their skilled professions, our cigars are a testament to the dedication of professional laborers and the excellence that comes with their craftsmanship. Embrace the camaraderie and enjoy the finest quality cigars with Tradesmen Cigar Company.

Tradesmen Cigar Co. was originally founded in 2017 by Chris Doumitt and his business partner Harry Dewolf. As a star of Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush series, Chris was constantly asked when he was going to start his own cigar brand. After being asked enough times, Chris took his love of premium cigars and started Doumitt Cigar. The brand took off and has continued to grow ever since.

In 2023, Doumitt Cigar became Tradesmen Cigar Co. to honor the hard working men and women of America who build and maintain this great country.

Tradesmen Cigar Co. now offers 10 different premium cigar blends with more on the way. Our cigars are hand made in our factory in the Dominican Republic with some of the best tobacco grown from around the world.

A portion of our profits is donated every year to Mikeroweworks, a non profit that grants work ethic sholarships to young people entering the trades.


A Little History

2017: Our Nicaraguan Cigars (Oro Negro and Oro Rechoncho) were launched. These amazing and robust cigars are especially handmade for Doumitt to very specific requirements. These have the pepper that Nicaraguan leaf cigars are known for and they get better and better with age.

2019: We added three new cigars (380-DR Habano,D-8,& D-10). These cigars were made for us in the renowned Tabacalera Real factory in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic.

2020: We added our Connecticut wrapper version of the small 380-DR Connecticut petite corona that come in boxes, bundles, 5-packs, and the embossed metal travel “tin” we had custom made.  Developing small cigars is very tricky; the small amount of tobacco used requires the recipe and tobacco quality to be perfect and the hand rolling must be precise every time.

2020: The TRADESMEN line was launched in the summer of 2020 in honor of our hard-working American Tradespeople working every day to make our lives possible. The Master – Now the Biggest cigar in the Humidor, The Journeyman – A solid hearty Dominican blend you can count on every day and The Apprentice,Our mildest cigar for those who want the toasty notes and smoothness from their cigars as well as made for those folks just starting out enjoying cigars.  All 3 TRADESMEN are excellent cigars and have become very popular.

2021:  The Oro Negro and Oro Rechoncho were each made a little longer by popular demand with even better flavor than before.  We also added our 10th cigar in 2021, the Oro Suave “Smooth Gold”(5″ x 48). The Oro Suave is a little smaller than the Negro (5 1/2″ x 54) and Rechoncho (4 1/2″ x 60) and a bit milder to balance out the options in our humidor. The Suave’s 5″ x 48 size is perfect for a shorter smoking time without reducing any flavor. Smoking like a dream with some spice at the beginning and then smoothing out from there.

2022: We launched the Deluxe Collection Sampler Box by popular demand,  a collection of each of our 10 cigars.  This makes a great gift or a good opportunity to try all of the Tradesmen Cigar Co. offerings for yourself.

2023: In 2023 we are working on the new look for the Tradesmen Cigar Co. brand. Each cigar will be getting new bands and there will be new gear available. The Tradesmen Cigar Co. T shirt is ready right now! We also have a couple new cigars in the works, as well as a whole new surprise product we can’t wait to bring you!


Tradesmen Cigars are now available in these fine cigar establishments.

Napa Cigar

1147 1st Street
Napa CA 94559


Mt Hood Cigar

37425 Hwy 26
Sandy OR, 97055


Patriot Cigars

Green Dragon Farmers Market 955 N. State St.
Ephrata Pennsylvania


Button Willow General Store & Coffee Shop

114 W. Main St
Smithville TN, 37166

LightUp Discount Tobacco and Glass

1545 W 200 S #200
Lindon, UT 84059


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