Your satisfaction with our products is our number one goal.  If for any reason, you are not happy with a product, please let us know.  We appreciate any opportunity to fix the issue and keep you as a loyal Tradesmen Cigar customer.  If you need to return a product, please contact us as  We will provide instructions on getting the item back to us.  For returns, unless otherwise indicated, you are responsible for shipping the product back to us.  We recommend tracking so that both of us can be sure that the product has been received. If we are replacing any item, we will pay the return shipping to you.

Generally, refunds will not be given if a cigar is not to your taste preference. In these cases, if you don’t prefer it, someone else likely does and we encourage you to find another cigar smoker to trade with. Also, as a premium cigar smoker, you know that these are handmade items that will vary from piece to piece. That is part of the magic of premium handmade cigars. We make every effort to only send out products that meet our high standards. Very occasionally you may receive something that slipped past the inspector. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, let us know and we’ll try to make it right.

For returns or refunds on non-cigar items items, we will happily return or exchange any item that is in new/original condition. Contact us for instructions.

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